Hello, nice to e-meet you

There were two main reasons why I created this website:

1. For applications - with this website I am able to present more details around myself and my career so far.

2. For explanation - if someone asks me what I do for a living and this person wants to understand more about it I can easily explain it with this website. It puts a little bit more meat to the bone "strategy",  "process optimisation" or "digital transformation". 

About me

«Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work»

This quote from Aristotle means a lot to me and sums up my working philosophy in a few words. Working out solutions for different business questions, optimising ways of working as well as processes, making clients incredibly happy and particularly being able to make a difference gives me the greatest pleasure in my work.

My USP - It's The Mix That Matters

With experience and success stories in the below areas I am able to solve various business questions and needs from different angles. 

  1. Leadership
  2. Customer Management
  3. Project Management
  4. Data Analytics & Insights
  5. Process Optimisation / Improvements


My skills and the combination of them make the essential difference:

  • Customer service excellence mindset
  • Excellent conceptual and analytical skills
  • Solution-oriented mindset 
  • Empathy
  • Maximiser - making good things great
  • Extremely quick learner
  • Very structured and efficient ways of working (but yet being able to react flexible to changes). 

My Passion

Making a difference.
(To my employer, my clients, my colleagues, family, friends...) 

My Personal Motto

Now is all you have. 


Everything starts with the present time. The past is over and just a memory. The future is not here yet and an imagination. Being busy never stops. Make time for the things and people that are important to you, before your "now" is over.