UAT and PROD Testing Confirmed.


"Pascalle was a great partner during the 6+ months we worked together. She is a true leader with a can-do, solution-oriented mindset. Her organized way of working, accountability, resilience, and customer focus are key traits you will highly appreciate."


Procter & Gamble Germany

"She is a strong leader, assertive and clear to express her point of view and requirements, as well as being open to finding solutions that work for all parties. She has enabled a strong collaboration, based on facts and mutual benefit, many times helping find solutions to apparent conflicts."


Procter & Gamble Headquarter

"Open minded and easy to talk to, Pascalle was a collaborative and solution-oriented partner.

It was a great pleasure to work together with her."



"Ich habe Pascalle vor mittlerweile vier Jahren als äusserst kompetente und fachlich sehr versierte Analystin und Marketingspezialistin kennengelernt. Unsere Zusammenzuarbeiten kann ich als durchwegs angenehm, konstruktiv, zielorientiert und wertschätzend beschreiben. 

Pascalle hinterfragt und fordert heraus. Diese Eigenschaften habe ich besonders im Rahmen der gemeinsamen Erarbeitung von Sortiments- und Promotionsanalysen geschätzt. Pascalles Inputs hatten hier jeweils einen massgeblichen Einfluss auf die strategische Ausrichtung und Weiterentwicklung der Sortimente."




"Pascalle is a powerhouse, simple as that. She is always the first to take (another) project, always creates a process to solve a problem and always automates the process once solved. At the same time she is a very strong team player, fostering collaboration and deeply caring for the people."



Ms Leeuwerink has deep knowledge of and experience in loyalty, customer and market data consulting and demonstrates initiative in building and deepening relationships with several important stakeholders. 


"She distinguishes herself by a very solution-oriented approach, considers problems and challenges from different perspectives, analyses and scrutinises existing workflows and business processes, makes concrete proposals on optimization and shows action initiatives; while maintaining focus on the big picture, speed of delivery and business needs. She also has the gift to present complex data structures easy to understand for the different stakeholder.

We would like to give particular mention to her excellent conceptual skills that led to successful achievements in various parts of the business."



Team Members

"A mentor worth so many mentors

a teacher worth so many tutors."


(read the whole by clicking on the link)

"Pascalle is one of the most organized, driven and inspiring managers I’ve ever worked with and her impact on my professional growth is something I’ll always be grateful for."


Rezija Enika

"Pascalle has a talent to listen to what the client’s needs are and dedication to get to the core of the problem to ultimately fix what needs to be fixed. That is combined with the openness to find new ideas that have the potential to game change how business is being done. 

I recommend working with her to anyone wanting to bring their business forward!"


Peter Jarosz

"Pascalle is 100% reliable and very goal-oriented, which inspires also others to try and give their best always. Client focus is not just a term, but rather her mission in all deliverables, always thinking of the greater good and ultimate solution. Even during the most intense moments, Pascalle knows how to release the pressure with a well-timed one-line and makes people leave with a smile."


Deike Bauernkämper

"Pascalle always impressed me with her great subject understanding and perfect delivery on any occasion. She was able to make that impression thanks to her high professionalism and attention to the details. I also have to highlight that apart from being a very focused and passionate colleague from work she is a great person to stay around. "



Dawid Tatuliński


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